Prameela Boorada
Board of Directors
Human bio: I see goodness in the soft, collective, everyday things. Like, the compassion with which we hold one another when we're in despair. Or the love with which we stay alongside someone's grief, anger, and suffering. Or the courage with which we share our stories when we see someone struggle. Or the delight with which we celebrate all things - big, small, and invisible. I like to believe that, in the face of uncertainty (be it during zoom meetings, life changes, or existential questions), we, as a collective, are inexplicably yet inevitably drawn towards the spirit of goodness.
Professional bio: Prameela Boorada is a social-impact storyteller with an artsy, entrepreneurial spirit. She currently serves as the CEO/FOunder of Impact Playground – which is an identity-driven, social-justice education platform designed for youth. Growing up in India, Prameela was raised on a wonderful selection of fables, mythology, biographies and experiences. After moving to the United States, she attended UC Davis and graduated with a degree in Quantitative Psychology. Through college, she struggled to find culturally-competent resources to support her mental health issues. This pushed her to get involved in social-justice and grassroots efforts to find community and healing – a passion that stayed strong well beyond college. Prameela worked on several social-impact ventures. She built an app to provide culturally-congruent anxiety care strategies. She secured a Research Fellowship at HeadStream Innovations where she surveyed the impact of vulnerability in digital spaces on youth wellbeing, advised 15 startups on how to focus their DEI efforts and published a collection of stories from creatives of color. She got involved in grass-roots mental health advocacy through MannMukti and launched a national South Asian Youth Fellowship in 2020. She recently served on Mental Health America's 2021 Youth Mental Health Leaders Council where she advocated for building more inclusive, equitable and ethical platforms for youth advocates. When she's not out building programs or products - you can find her painting, writing poetry, baking or learning how to gracefully fall on roller blades.