For Foundations
Nonprofit workers are in crisis.
Nonprofit leaders nationwide are grappling with staff burnout. In April of 2023 the National Council of Nonprofits surveyed 1,600+ nonprofits. Results showed that 50% reported stress and burnout as a top reason for staff vacancies. Funders are now being called on to provide support to their grantee partners.
Invest in staff support and organizational development
Funders 101
A 90 minute educational program
for funders and grantmakers.
Increase knowledge of the nonprofit burnout crisis by reviewing the National Council of Nonprofits and the Center for Effective Philanthropy’s 2023 Nonprofit Workforce Surveys
Practice evidence-based skills such as gratitude and mindfulness to build meaningful and trust-based relationships
Learn five essential ingredients for building a healthy organizational culture from our comprehensive burnout prevention program: Connected Cultures
Gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of investing in organizational culture and recommendations for what Funders can do to support their grantees in building a healthy work culture
Our Programs For Grantee
Connection Trainings
Professional development programs that equip leaders with the skills and knowledge to build healthy workplaces (90 minutes).
Social Connection @ Work
Workplace Mental Health & Well-being
Organizational Culture
Connected Cultures
A comprehensive workplace mental health and well-being program that prevents burnout. Through 12 hours of live training, leaders learn and implement five essential ingredients for building organizational culture.
01. Leadership Framework
Leaders learn the U.S. Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-being, a comprehensive leadership model that centers worker voice and equity
02. Work Health Survey
Our in-depth questionnaire provides leaders with tangible data to better understand staff well-being, identify drivers of burnout, and assess areas of organizational growth
03. Work Culture Curriculum
Teams learn our emotional intelligence curriculum and practice 20+ mindfulness, resilience, and custom-built work culture skills
04. Culture-Building Meeting
We build a recurring weekly or bi-weekly 20-minute culture-building meeting where team members implement and practice our work culture curriculum
05. Resilience Team
We build a Resilience Team that consists of Resilience Ambassadors: internal workplace wellness leaders who support the long-term sustainability, evolution, and integration of Connected Cultures within the work environment
How to Deploy Our Programs to Grantees?
To individual organizations
For the network of grantees
As a cohort model where multiple leaders participate across grantee organizations
Case Study: Our Partnership with Our Minds Matter
Download the Connected Cultures Case Study
Connected Cultures was featured in Mental Health America’s 2022 Workplace Mental Health Toolkit.
Schedule a Free Discovery Consultation
Submit the form below and a member of our team will reach out to schedule a no-cost 20-minute consultation call to gain a deeper understanding of how we can support your grantees.